Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Haven't blogged for a long time. I've been enjoying taking care of my beautiful granddaughter, Riley Danielle Arie Thomas. She's awesome and so much fun!

I've been listening to a lot of different stories on Beck and Fox, etc. Saw the video of the two black panther members intimidating voters at the presidential election in 08. One of them later was shown venting his hatred of white people and wanting to kill white babies. He derided black men for dating white women.

I wanted to ask him what he thought about our biracial president and his feelings about the fact that Obama's mother was white and his father was black. Would he make these comments to Obama or his father in person?

This same person commented to one of the poll workers at said 08 election site that "now you'll find out what it's like to be ruled by a black man." I think what is so sad about it all is that this man probably thinks that because Obama is part black, somehow he is going to make all black people live a wonderful life now. I don't think he realizes that Obama is first and foremost a politician, just like his predecessors and cohorts, and is really only looking out for his agenda, his place in history and his own special interests.

One of the reasons I want to blog about this is because one of the main objectives of this administration (at least it seems this way to me), is to divide us and cause unrest among us. Congratulations! Mission almost accomplished. I want to encourage all of you to not engage in bashing of each other, either along party lines or because of differeing opinions. Remember, we live in a free country. Your first concern should be maintaining your freedom (your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness). This administration, along with several previous administrations, is carrying on the slow degradation of a free country. Obama will be in power at the most 8 years. We didn't get to this point of a nearly socialistic/communistic state because of one or two presidents. It's much more the result of the congress people who have been in Washington for decades. And it's OUR fault!

I will not let a few career politicians define who I am as an American. I am not mean (as Michelle Obama believes); I am not a coward (as Eric Holder thinks); I am not stupid (as Bill Maher comments); nor am I racist (as everyone in this administration, the media and activists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want to push down our throats). I am 57 years old. I have never once in my life, in Colorado or Missouri, or anywhere else I have traveled, heard a white person talk about hating black people. I only see racism demonstrated in sound bites and video clips.

Now, I am not saying that racism doesn't exist. After all the KKK is still alive and kicking, unfortunately, along with the Black Panthers, LaRaza and other groups of color that can't seem to move on. How do we get past this? There is only one way! As a Christian, I am called to love everyone as I love myself. When we hear someone make racist comments, we must call them into accountability. To simply say someone is racist is not acceptable: back up your comments.

I've rambled on, I know. I would like to encourage everyone to pray for a change of heart in America. As Christians, we should be encouraging peace, grace and mercy. I have made a personal commitment to pray for the black panther member who "hates every iota of a 'cracker.'" I don't know where his hatred comes from, but I know who can heal his heart of stone and give him a heart of love.

God bless.