Monday, August 10, 2009

Good morning all! It is a beautiful late summer morning. I've been out "harvesting" green beans and tomatoes. I prepared and froze the beans for future use. I don't can - too much "stuff" so we freeze. The veggies actually taste better that way.

I've been listening to "health reform" debates on Fox News this morning. I also received an email from David Axelrod in the White House. Lots of information out there. I guess if you really wanted the scoop, you could go to the website where the text of the health bill is. That is if you have lots of time and patience to wade through it. Should we really be voting on a bill that is so long none of our elected officials want to read it? I'm for a targeted approach: focus on tort reform; fraud control; pre-existing condition reform, etc. As for the uninsured, that issue really needs to be looked at more closely for a better and more comprehensive approach than what is apparently proposed in this bill.

I visit quite often to get a basic understanding of what misinformation is being put forth by both sides. I encourage you to actively check this issue out and then let your representatives know what you expect from them. This is way too important an issue to just sit back and hope the folks in Washington will "get it right."

Catch you next time! I look forward to your comments! God bless!