Monday, August 31, 2009

Why blog?

My (Cindy's) sister in Florida asked me what a blog was (she's new to blogging). Our son Dan said it best in one of his blog entries dated 1/26/07:
"The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time." George Bernard Shaw

Dan's blog continues: "This morning I read this and it immediately made me ponder why blogs, to me, are so interesting to read. My favorite blogs are often just people writing about themselves and what they do or think. Duane writing about farm life at Geek Acres; Zach writing about photography or whatever else comes to his mind; Granny writng about her life and observations; Jack ranting erratically, the list goes on and on. Some might consider blogs egotistical and silly, but I find them comforting and entertaining. You get to see the world through other people's eyes in a very personal way. You can see what they see, how they see it, and how they are thinking about it. I enjoy that and I think I gain more perspective and insight about the real world and the day to day grind from that than I get by watching the news or Discovery Channel. I don't know if that is what Shaw was getting at, but that's how I read it."

Dan hit the nail on the head here. Whenever we read his blog entries now, we can hear his voice and his heart. What a wonderful view of his life he left for us, and what an encouragement to continue that process by blogging with you all. He'd love that we are doing this. Our blogs are not as interesting as his - he had such great wit, intelligence and insights; but hopefully we'll provide some interesting tidbits and news - or even light reading on a break at work! :)

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