Monday, January 11, 2010

Economy and Other Important Stuff

I received a great email this morning from the Everyday Cheapskate site. I thought you all would be interested in. The email talks about 6 ways we can help the economy and one of them is:

Buy American. We need to get manufacturing and production to return to the USA as soon as possible. When it fits within your budget to buy goods and services, let's do everything we can to buy American. Look for companies that are producing products for homes and families at websites like and

As we watch the debates on television about global warming or climate change, health care reform, cap and trade, I continually hear people saying "the debate is over on this issue." As far as I am concerned, debate is never over on these changing issues, or any issues for that matter. How many times has science reversed itself on issues that they say were irrefutable?

However, the debate IS over for one truth: the truth that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. That debate was finished when Jesus gave his life on the cross for all of us. . . ALL of us. So, when you hear folks rambling on about there being no more debate on a topic, I encourage you to be bold and remind them that there is only one thing in this life that is non-debatable and finished.

Since it seems to us that time is growing short on this earth, we need to be about our Father's business, which is to spread his gospel of love. Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; and love each other as you love yourself.

God bless you all today!

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