Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I visited a website today for the first time that is specifically for women who have experienced the death of their child(ren). I'm sure men also read the entries, since they suffer just as much as women, but I understand the thoughts behind the blogger's purpose.

I cried reading the entries, remembering the same things I went through that they were blogging about. Some were so very much in despair that I wished I could sit and cry with them and somehow encourage them. I did feel uplifted in that I felt like I wasn't alone 2 1/2 years after Dan's passing, still feeling the freshness of the pain. Still feeling so very sad, day after day, but wanting to trust the Lord to help me through; and to also minister to my husband, daughter and others as well. I know that every time I have been at my lowest points, God has been faithful to send a phone call, a card, an encouraging word, a hug. . . He is so wonderful that way. He has brought me great joy during this time also. There are people I know now that I am so thankful to have in my life, that I would not have known if it wasn't for Dan's passing. Things about Dan that I wouldn't have known, how unselfish he was, how respected and loved he was - because those are things Dan wouldn't have told us.

Don't get me wrong. I would give everything to have Dan back, including my own life; but God promises that He will be with us in our storms and will use these situations to bring us to a deeper relationship with Him, if we only trust Him!

Just wanted to let others know how good God is and that He is there, no matter what the circumstance. He will bring you through, if you only surrender to His love and grace. God bless you all today.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs Cindy. Makes me kick myself because I don't keep up with mine. You always have something inspiring to say and no matter my mood it always picks me up a bit.

    I think about Dan quite often. Miss him being around but there are times I can feel him dropping in. Usually when I do something silly and Dan would have given me a hard time about it.

    His picture still hangs on our fridge and Lacy and I say hi every now and then.

    Lacy and I love you guys and you are an inspiration. We will need to get together soon. Tell Fred and Missy we said howdy.
